Zapier ( is an interface provider that allows you to transfer the data of your vifugo participants to countless third-party systems. You can send all e-mails for your video funnel via these third-party systems, trigger long-term e-mail funnels in autoresponders, or simply transfer the participants to your CRM system for further processing.
Please proceed as follows to set it up:
1. Create Zapier interface in vifugo & copy API key
You only have to do these steps the first time.
1. In vifugo, click on your name in the top right corner and select 'Settings'
2. Open the 'Interfaces' menu
3. Click on 'New Interface' in the top right corner
4. Name the new interface 'Zapier' and select 'Zapier' as the provider
5. Click on 'Save' at the top right
6. Below you can see your API Key and your subdomain. You will need these later - so it is best to not close this page for now.
2. Create Zap in Zapier
7. In Zapier click on 'Create Zap'
8. Click on 'Name your zap' in the top left to give your zap a name. Use a name that best describes what the Zap is for.
9. Select 'vifugo' as the app event
10. As a trigger event, select the event where you want to transfer data, such as 'New registration'
11. Click on 'Continue'
12. Click on 'Choose an account' and select '+Connect a new account' to link your vifugo account to your Zapier account
13. Enter the previously created API key and your vifugo subdomain in the pop-up and click on 'Yes, Continue'
14. Click on 'Continue'
15. Select which video you want to transfer data for. You can select one, several or all videos.
16. Click on 'Continue'
17. Click on 'Test trigger' to test the trigger. Zapier will try to load a data set from vifugo and show you the corresponding values.
18. Click on 'Continue'
19. Now select the platform to which you want to transfer the data as 'Action' and finally set up the Zapier interface. Since the settings are different for each platform, unfortunately we cannot go into more detail here - but everything is usually self-explanatory.
3. Tips & Tricks
1. If you don't want to send all emails via vifugo but via your third party tool, you should select in the menu 'Emails' -> 'Settings' that you don't want to send the emails via vifugo.
2. If you send the emails via your third party tool, you should select in the menu 'Interfaces' -> 'Settings' if you want to perform a double opt-in process or not - depending on this, your participants will be redirected to the opt-in page or directly to the video room after registration.
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