How to find out where your logins come from (UTM parameter tracking)

Imagine if you knew exactly which ads or newsletters every signup for your videos came from, and even exactly which link people clicked on. You can align your entire marketing strategy and tracking of every single subscriber exactly to that. This way, you'll manage to use your resources even better and significantly increase your sales.

That's exactly what you can do with vifugo - you just need to customize the signup page links a bit before you publish them. Here's how to do it:

1. Get the link to your vifugo signup page - you can find it in vifugo in the 'Invite Participants' menu. For example, the link looks like this:

2. Customize this link so vifugo can store all the information you need when someone registers. In the simplest case, you just add the parameter 'utm_source' to the URL after a question mark. This looks like this:


Vifugo will then save this parameter with each registration and you can see in the participant list exactly whether a participant came via your Facebook ad or your October newsletter.

Want to be even more precise?

In addition to the 'utm_source' parameter, you can also use other parameters. Which ones are supported and what they are for are listed below - but of course, you can also use them for something else:

  • utm_source: With this parameter, you define from which source the visitor came, for example Google, Facebook or email
  • utm_medium: With this parameter, you define which channel the visitor came from, e.g. newsletter, Facebook post or YouTube ad
  • utm_campaign: With this parameter, you define the exact marketing campaign the visitor came from, e.g. Christmas ad or welcome mail
  • utm_content: With this parameter, you define further details, for example 'blue ad' or 'second link in the email'
  • utm_term: With this parameter, you can pass more terms, if necessary

It is up to you whether you use one, all or only a few parameters. The important thing is that you always put the first one behind a question mark and all others behind an & sign. Here are a few examples:



Tips & Tricks

You can also use all UTM parameters as placeholders in emails and in the button link of the video room to pass through to the sales page. The corresponding placeholders are:

  • {utm_source}
  • {utm_medium}
  • {utm_campaign}
  • {utm_content}
  • {utm_term}


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